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Casino has not paid me for 17 days and scammed me

Against: CrownPlay
Added: 16/08/2024

Complaint summary

Hello, I withdrew 460 euros from Crownplay Casino, and I have been a new customer since 03/08/2024. I waited 11 days, and then they rejected the withdrawal. I contacted them and they said that there is nothing to be afraid of and that I should repeat the withdrawal again. I made another withdrawal of 500 euros on 08/11/2024 and they told me that the withdrawal takes 3 days, but unfortunately they no longer answer my messages and now I have been waiting for 17 days. I really hope. Help: I ​​deposited 400 euros to withdraw 500 euros, but I think I have been scammed. I hope to obtain my rights, and thank you to everyone who will help me with this.
Thank you

Closed / Solved
Disputed Amount
500 EUR
Betpack Admin
Betpack Representative:
Date: 16/08/2024, 06:33 AM

Dear Louay,

Thank you for bringing your situation to our attention.

We have received your complaint and are currently contacting the CrownPlay Casino team to gather more information regarding your withdrawal.

We appreciate your patience and will do our best to help resolve this matter.

Best regards,
Betpack Team

Added: 17/08/2024, 06:24 AM

Hello!!!!!!😞😞😞, I really hope you can help me. To get my money, the casino does not want to pay me my rights. I have been waiting since 03/08/2024 until today. I write to them every day, but they do not respond. Instead, they copy the same words and send it to me. I really hope for help from you and from All team because I see that all problems are solved here. Please help me at Crownplay Casino😞😞😞😞

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